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Course Listing

학년 학기 학수번호 교과목 과목구분 이수단위 학점-강의-실습
1학년 1학기 ECO1001 Introduction to Economics Basic Major 100 3-3-0
1학년 1학기 GEN4091 Philosophical Understanding of Science and Technology Compulsory General Studies 100 3-3-0
1학년 1학기 SYH0001 Love in deed and truth1 (Hanyang Nanum) Compulsory General Studies 100 2-2-0
1학년 1학기 ECO1007 Introductory Mathematics for Economists Basic Major 100 3-3-0
1학년 1학기 GEN5029 Career Development : Roadmap for Job Searching and Startups Compulsory General Studies 100 1-1-0
1학년 2학기 ECO1023 Basic learning on economics and finance in Chinese Core Major 100 3-3-0
1학년 2학기 ECO1005 Introduction to Economic Statistics Basic Major 100 3-3-0
1학년 2학기 CUL0005 Korean Speaking and Writing Compulsory General Studies 100 3-3-0
1학년 2학기 ECO1021 Financial Reporting and Analysis Core Major 100 3-3-0
1학년 2학기 CUL0011 Creative Computing Compulsory General Studies 100 3-1-2
2학년 1학기 ECO2028 Macroeconomics 1 : National Income & Price Level Basic Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 1학기 ECO3007 Econometrics Basic Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 1학기 ECO2029 Microeconomics 1 : Consumer & Firm Behavior Basic Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 1학기 GEN6032 PROFESSIONAL ACADEMIC ENGLISH Compulsory General Studies 100 3-3-0
2학년 2학기 ECO2032 Macroeconomics 2 : Business Cycles & Economic Core Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 2학기 ECO2033 Microeconomics 2 : Market Structure & Welfare Core Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 2학기 SYH0002 Love in deed and truth2 (Smart Communication) Compulsory General Studies 100 2-2-0
2학년 2학기 ECO2059 Finance Economics Basic Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 2학기 ECO3003 Money and Banking Core Major 200 3-3-0
2학년 2학기 ECO2064 Economic Institutions in Historical Perspective Core Major 200 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO2035 Game Theory & Its Applications Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3086 ADVANCED FINANCIAL THEORY AND PRACTICES Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3045 Public Economics 1 : Taxation Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO4049 International Economic Relations Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO4003 International Finance Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3090 Financial Big Data Analytics Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3008 Labor Economics Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3098 Business Data Analysis Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3101 Machine learning with Data Analysis in R Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3076 FINANCIAL IT Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO3080 THEORY OF INVESTMENT Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3048 Public Economics 2 : Government Expenditure Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3047 International Trade & Commercial Policy Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 SYH0003 Love in deed and truth3 (Entrepreneurship) Compulsory General Studies 300 2-2-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3092 Social Security and Labor Market Policies Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3068 Industrial Organization & Fair Trade Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3074 FUTURES AND OPTIONS Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3088 Empirical Methods in Applied Microeconomics Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3094 Health service market and government Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3089 Fixed Income Securities Extended Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3049 Studies on Transitional Economies Core Major 300 3-3-0
3학년 2학기 GEN5100 Career Development II (Portfolio and Business model Creation) Compulsory General Studies 100 1-1-0
3학년 2학기 ECO3100 Behavioral and Experimental Economics Extended Major 300 3-3-0
4학년 전학기 HYR0001 경제금융HY-UROP(실용연구심화) Extended Major 400 3-3-0
3학년 1학기 ECO4065 MACROECONOMIC ISSUE AND APPLICATION Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 1학기 ECO4084 Issues and Applications in Econometrics Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 1학기 SYH0004 Love in deed and truth4 (Practical Talent) Compulsory General Studies 100 2-2-0
4학년 1학기 ECO4095 Market Microstructure and FinTech Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 1학기 ECO3073 DERIVATIVES & RISK MANAGEMENT Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 1학기 ECO4093 Population Economics Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 1학기 ECO4073 Economics of Information and Uncertainty Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 2학기 ECO4081 Introduction to Quantitative Finance Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 2학기 ECO4064 MICROECONOMIC ISSUE AND APPLICATION Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 2학기 ECO4088 World economy and China Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 2학기 ECO4085 Time series analysis with big data Extended Major 400 3-3-0
4학년 2학기 ECO4066 GOVERNMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Extended Major 400 3-3-0